Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Gimme Sugar Reunion?!?

So apparently the GS girls haven't had enough. They were back this week with a reunion, already! and who else to host but none other then the lesbian icon, Dani Campbell. Being rejected was the best thing that ever happened to her, now women all over the world (gay & straight) are throwing their panties at her =] .... So back to GS, they've got their reunion out and i know all you hard core fans have already seen it, also Kal and I have our podcast for it, but due to certain reasons it may, or may not be up this week.... ok it will! >=3 i'll kick it into second gear and get it up by the end of this week and thats a promise to our dedicated fans! Also Kal and I are talking a trip down to South Beach, Miami this saturday, so if any of you live down there, you may see us! <3

over and out,

P.S. i'll try my best to get the cast up this week =D

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